Money Tree Savings

The earlier kids learn about saving money, the more likely they are to manage money well as adults. Our Money Tree Savings account is designed to GROW with them while having fun along the way!

Savings Features:

  • For kids 12 and under
  • Open the account with as little as $10
  • No service charges
  • Free Coin Counting
  • Earn a trip to the treasure chest when a deposit is made


All of our special events are family affairs. We welcome parents and siblings to attend Money Tree activities with their children. All events are free to the families of Money Tree Savers. Be sure to watch the Shopper and our Facebook page for our Money Tree events!

At the age of 13, your Money Tree Savings account will automatically transition into a Junior Savings account.

Required Documentation

Below is a list of required documentation to open/make changes to a Money Tree Savings.

  • Consumer Customer Information Form (bank provided)
  • Birth Certificate of the Minor Child
  • Social Security Card of the Minor Child
  • Unexpired Photo ID of the Adult
  • Proof of address - if the address on your photo ID is not your current address, we will need to obtain a piece of mail with your name and current address.
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